Cardamom Chocolate Chip Muffins

My Favourite Muffins

Cardamom Chocolate Chip Muffins myfavouritepastime.com_8313

I made these muffins in 2013 when I started blogging. I just can’t remember why I never posted them. I made them again, today for afternoon tea, and then decided to post them. Like all muffins, they are extremely simple to make. I added pure ground cardamom seeds to the flour to give them that unique cardamom aroma.

Cardamom is the third most expensive spice, after saffron and vanilla. I used the green cardamom (Elettaria cardamomum), which is also known as the true cardamom and has a unique taste, with an intensely aromatic, resinous fragrance. Cardamom is used for both savoury and sweet dishes, like Pilau, Indian sweets, Masala tea, traditional Swedish bread, pulla and Christmas bread Julekake, just to mention a few. I hope you’ll love these muffins. I wish you a fabulous weekend!

  • Ingredients
  • 190g (1½ cups, 6.7oz) all-purpose flour
  • 65g (½ cup, 2.3oz) whole wheat flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cardamom seeds 
  • 180g (1 scant cup, 6.3oz) sugar (if you want a sugary and crunchy muffin top, add 250g/1¼ cup sugar)
  • 2 eggs
  • 60g (¼ cup, 2oz) butter, melted
  • 60ml (¼ cup, 2floz) vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 160ml ( cup) buttermilk (you can also use plain yoghurt)
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips

Cardamom Chocolate Chip Muffins myfavouritepastime.com_8232

Please always remember to assemble all ingredients before you start

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Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Line a medium, 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases. In a bowl sift together all-purpose flour, wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cardamom. Return husks into the flour mixture. (Oops I forgot the cardamon in the photo)

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Make a well in the centre.

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In another bowl, whisk together sugar, eggs, butter, oil and vanilla until well blended.

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Whisk in buttermilk until well blended.

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Add the egg mixture to the well

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and stir until just blended. Do not over mix.

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Gently fold in chocolate chips.

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The final mixture

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Spoon mixture evenly, into prepared tin (pan). Bake 22-27 minutes or until golden and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Stand for 5 minutes,

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then transfer the muffins onto a wire rack to cool.

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The muffins tasted awesome

Cardamom Chocolate Chip Muffins

Preparation time: 10 minutes; Baking time: 22-25 minutes; Makes: 12 muffins


  • 190g (1½ cups, 6.7oz) all-purpose flour
  • 65g (½ cup, 2.3oz) whole wheat flour
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • ½ teaspoon baking soda
  • ¼ teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon ground cardamom seeds
  • 180g (1 scant cup, 6.3oz) sugar (if you want a sugary and crunchy muffin top, add 250g/1¼ sugar)
  • 2 eggs
  • 60g (¼ cup, 2oz) butter, melted
  • 60ml (¼ cup, 2floz) vegetable oil
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence
  • 160ml (⅔ cup) buttermilk (you can also use plain yoghurt)
  • 1 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips 


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Line a medium, 12-hole muffin tin with paper cases.
  2. In a bowl sift together all-purpose flour, wheat flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt and cardamom. Return husks into the flour mixture. Make a well in the centre.
  3. In another bowl, whisk together sugar, eggs, butter, oil and vanilla until well blended. Whisk in buttermilk until well blended.
  4. Add the egg mixture to the well and stir until just blended. Do not over mix. Gently fold in chocolate chips.
  5. Spoon mixture evenly, into prepared tin (pan). Bake 22-25 minutes or until golden and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean. Stand for 5 minutes, then transfer the muffins onto a wire rack to cool.
  6. For cup measures: spoon the flour into the cup, heaping it up over the top, then slide a knife across the top to level off the extra. Be careful not to shake or tap the cup to settle down the flour or you will have more than you need. I use a 240ml American cup.

Points to Note:

  • Please note that oven temperatures are given as a guideline only. You may need to add or reduce the suggested temperature depending on your oven. I baked the muffins at 400°F (200°C) for 23 minutes.
  • The first time I made these muffins I added 250g sugar, they formed a nice crunchy and sugary muffin top, which my kids loved. I don’t like too much sugar so I reduced it to 180g. You can vary the sugar to suit your palate!
  • Last Updated: October 24, 2018 

Author: Liz

I love everything food: eating, cooking, baking and travelling. I also love photography and nature.

43 thoughts

  1. What type of cardamon did you use, Liz?
    We only have white cardamon in our town. I’m gonna have to go to the city for black or green cardamon.

    1. I used the green cardamom which is the true cardamom. We have a lot of Indian Spice stores in Toronto and also in my local city here. Happy Baking!

  2. I love the smell of Cardamom. When I used to work for Marriott hotels, we made a Coffee-Cardamom dry rub that we flavored our brisket with before smoking. Delicious!

  3. saffron is the most expensive one here in Chile, Cardamom not so much it’s a “reasonable price” and i happen to have some right now! The chocolate chips are the only one missing, nooom 😛
    (hey, I’m following 😉 )

    1. Oh yes saffron is the most expensive, worldwide, followed by vanilla and then cardamom. I hope you’ll try the recipe. Enjoy the coming week!

  4. NICE!!! Cardamom is such a lovely seasoning. It reminds me of Finnish and Swedish breads. What an interesting combination, chocolate chips and cardamom! I may be out of touch for the week as I embark on my cruise! Hoping for wifi or hot spots if no wifi! Hope you are having a great summer!

    1. Oh yes Sandy, Choco chips and cardamom. I love the spice. It’s extra special. Don’t worry about being out of touch. Just enjoy your cruise and all the best to your family!

  5. I love cardamom! I even bought a pestle and mortar to specifically grind it only to discover that my husband hates it 😦 Once, when I was visiting a friend from another city, she took me to an Indian restaurant and we ordered vegetarian meatballs with cardamom – it was fantastic!

    1. Me too, but what a dilemma for you. What if you add it and not utter a word? Will he realize it’s there? I’ve sometimes added things people said they didn’t like but nobody even noticed it was there. I would love try vegetarian meatballs with cardamon. That sounds like something I would really love! Enjoy what remains of your weekend!

    1. They smell lovely, Rosa. You should get yourself a small jar of ground cardamoms. It’a a great one to have in the pantry. Have a fabulous Sunday.

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