Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup

My Favourite Soups

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1871Every time I make this soup, I remember the years when my older children were young and I used to blend all sorts of food mixtures for their food. Sometimes it would be potatoes, peas and carrots; sometimes, potatoes, carrots, baby spinach and chicken; sometimes, fish, sweet potatoes and apples. I blended all sorts of mixtures for breakfast, lunch, fruits and desserts. I think I would have easily started a baby food factory.

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1873IToday I want to share a Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup, with sweet corn. It’s the kind of soup you’d eat when you want to have a light and nutritious meal. You can vary the chilli amount to suit your palate or omit it. altogether. If you prefer mushroom without chicken, then try this Cream of Mushroom Soup. It’s very creamy and delightful to the palate. I hope you’ll try one of the soups. I wish you a happy and fulfilling Sunday. We have a long weekend here.

  • Ingredients
  • 50g butter
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • I large onion chopped
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 225g (8oz) sliced mushrooms
  • 225g (8oz) boneless chicken chopped
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper or chili flakes or fresh chillies chopped finely
  • 50g (2oz, ⅓ cup) corn kernels
  • 375ml (1½ cups) chicken or vegetable broth (stock)
  • 250ml (1 cup) single (light, 10%) cream
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  • A handful of finely chopped coriander leaves

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1779Please always remember to assemble all ingredients before you start

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1782Melt butter in a pot over gentle heat until foaming. Add onions, garlic and Ginger

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1785and fry gently for 5-7 minutes until soft (do not brown).

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1789Add mushrooms and saute 3-5 minutes stirring frequently, then add chicken and continue to cook for 3 minutes, then cover and sweat over gentle heat for 10 minutes, stirring from time to time.

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1791Add the spices (garam masala, turmeric, coriander, cumin and chilli flakes) and cook for 2 minutes until well blended.

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1794Add the corn and stock

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1796and simmer for 10 minutes.

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1799Blend the soup (if you prefer you can blend part soup).

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1800Return the soup to the pot, add the cream and heat the soup until piping hot. (do not boil) Season with salt and pepper and add chopped coriander just before serving. (if the soup is too thick add more stock or cream).

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1825_2Serve the soup

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup myfavouritepastime.com_1869My son really loves this soup, I hope it will appeal to you too

Spicy Chicken and Mushroom Soup


  • 50g butter
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • I large onion chopped
  • 1 tablespoon grated ginger
  • 225g (8oz) sliced mushrooms
  • 225g (8oz) boneless chicken chopped
  • 1 teaspoon garam masala
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric
  • 1 teaspoon ground coriander
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper or chili flakes or fresh chillies chopped finely
  • 50g (2oz, ⅓ cup) corn kernels
  • 375ml (1½ cups) chicken or vegetable broth (stock) 
  • 250ml (1 cup) single (light, 10%) cream
  • Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
  • A handful of finely chopped coriander leaves


  1. Melt butter in a pot over gentle heat until foaming. Add onions, garlic. Ginger and fry gently for 5-7 minutes until soft (do not brown).
  2. Add mushrooms and saute 3-5 minutes stirring frequently, then add chicken and continue to cook for 3 minutes, then cover and sweat over gentle heat for 10 minutes, stirring from time to time.
  3. Add the spices (garam masala, turmeric, coriander, cumin and chilli flakes) and cook for 2 minutes until well blended.
  4. Add the corn and stock and simmer for 10 minutes. Blend the soup (if you prefer you can blend part soup). Return to the pot, add the cream and heat the soup until piping hot. (do not boil)
  5. Season with salt and pepper and add chopped coriander just before serving. (if the soup is too thick add more stock or cream),


Author: Liz

I love everything food: eating, cooking, baking and travelling. I also love photography and nature.

36 thoughts

  1. Sounds good, especially with that combination of spices. We don`t usually blend soups here, I`ve done that only a few times. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Mmm I blend some soups and not others. I’ve always blended mushroom soups. My son loves them. Have a a great day!

  2. Sounds delicious and also very versatile if changing one ingredient will make it vegetarian. I had some peri-peri chicken on the weekend, so I’d like it spicy please. 🙂

    1. Mmm you reminds me of the days I used to eat peri-peri chicken. Now I shall be out there looking for some fine indian restaurant. I would love to experience it again. Fantastic week to you!

    1. ha ha our summer hasn’t been super hot. It’s rainy and windy right now. I could do with some soup…thanks and enjoy the week!

    1. Ha ha go ahead and have lets say about six spoons. Our summer is not yet that hot. It’s more on the cool side. Enjoy the week!

  3. Cute li’l bowl for the red pepper seeds! 31C? Isn’t that pretty hot? We had around 90°F. as the high today, and we felt a little earthquake about half an hour ago. It was only a 5.2, and about 150 miles away, but our chairs tremored a little bit at the table.

    Virtual hugs,


    1. Today we had a high of 20C so delightful. Earthquake? wow. At least it was a small and distant one. I am dozing on the chair, trying to clear backlogs…have a good night!
      Virtual hugs

  4. Looks good Liz. I’m trying to imagine on my palate what all those herbs and spices taste like with all the other ingredients. Sigh….I think I shall have to try it to really in doubt. Right now it would go good with our cool and showery day! Hoping tomorrow is a better day! Wishing you a great long weekend!

    1. Hi there Sandy,
      Thanks for visiting. The herbs and spices taste very nice and the turmeric adds a dash of colour to the soup. Our weather here is hot, today was at 31C. Next week will cool down again. I look forward to those cool days. I wish you a fantastic long weekend. Enjoy Canada day!

      1. Wow, 31 is warm! We are in a cool spell right now with a little rain off and on. It’s ok though because it is fairly dry here and the thoughts of forest fires is not something any of us want to consider. My Canada day will be spent doing laundry and making some more Gratitude jars for the Born Healthy moms. They seem to be a hit! My way of paying it forward right now. Thanks for nice comments. I always look forward to your recipes! Cheers and you have a great Canada day too.

        1. Thank you Sandy. You always make my day. Your Gratitude Jars remind me of the Gratitude rock from the book called “The Secret”. I used to have a gratitude rock but I can’t remember where I lost it. I’m glad to hear they love the jars. They must be very nice. Last year I spent Canada day in Ottawa, but this year it’s going to be a quiet one. I shall go for the fireworks in the evening. Enjoy your day and the rest of the week! Best wishes!

  5. When I lived in Quebec (Canada) I was always confused by the different names (compared to the States) for different types of cream. I just looked it up and ‘10% cream’ is what we call ‘Half and Half’ here. Well, I just learned something. I’m a big fan of ‘Half and Half’ because it makes soups etc. so creamy and delicious!

    1. Oh yes sometimes I add all the generic names but I love being metric and so 10% is always given priority…the soup tasted very nice. Do you speak French? have a lovely week!

      1. Sorry for the late reply – I was away for a bit and I just found a bunch of comments…. I do speak French….rather badly though! I like to tell my French Canadian friends that “I’m bilingual when I’m drinking!” It always makes them laugh… esp. with my accent !

        1. Oh so you speak French? I read and understand everyday French without a problem,but I can’t speak at all. I plan to go to France one day…enjoy the weekend and oh yes everybody has bilingual tendencies after a drink or two LOL.

  6. Wow – I didn’t expect to see all those fabulous spices – yummy!!!! I’m going to post it on Pinterest AND print it out because I’d love to make it soon. What a great recipe Liz!!

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