Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes

Creamy and Tasty

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0032March break is on for another eight days. The weather has improved drastically. I even managed to take long relaxing walks in the last few days. I wonder how you are, wherever you are. I have been baking yeast mixtures throughout the week. I hope to share with you the various breads I have been making. I have eaten so much bread this week I think I have to take a break and start working on the category: vegetables. I posted one recipe several months ago and that was it.

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0037Ever since I learnt how to make risotto from my friend John of Bartolini Kitchens, it has become a favourite of ours. I have been experimenting with all sorts of combinations. One of my favourites is the spinach/Swiss chard and sun-dried tomato combination. It’s best made with dry white wine. Please do not omit the wine. A good quality white wine will do. Buy the wine that you can sip while cooking or serve during dinner. We really enjoyed this simple risotto and I hope some of you will try it.

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0039Happy Cooking. I hope you love the risotto

  • Ingredients
  • 6-8 cups vegetable broth (non vegetarians can use chicken or beef broth)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • ½ cup finely chopped onions
  • 400g (2 cups) Arborio rice
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • 100g (4 cups lightly packed) washed and shredded spinach or Swiss chard (I used Swiss Chard)
  • 6 sundried tomatoes in oil drained and chopped
  • ½ cup freshly grated Pecorino Romano
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0011Please always assemble all ingredients before you start

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0015Heat the stock (broth) and keep it hot at a gentle simmer while the risotto is cooking. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon butter in a deep saucepan (cooking pot) and sauté onions for 5 minutes or until translucent.

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0017Add rice and stir for about 2 minutes until well coated with the oil then stir in the wine and cook, stirring over medium-low heat until the wine has been absorbed.

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0018Add about 2 cups of the hot stock and cook stirring over medium-low heat until absorbed. Gradually add the remaining stock, half a cupful at a time, allowing the rice to fully absorb the liquid before adding more and stirring constantly. (After the addition of at least 5 cups of stock, you can taste and gauge for the degree of doneness of rice and the creaminess of risotto. Whenever you feel the rice is al dente and risotto is creamy enough you can stop cooking. If you want a softer, looser risotto, incorporate more stock).

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0023During the last 5 minutes of cooking, add the spinach and sun-dried tomatoes. (I used Swiss chard)

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0025Stir in the remaining butter and half the Pecorino Romano, until the risotto is creamy.

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_0031 Adjust seasoning. Let the rice rest for a few minutes and serve, topped with a grinding of pepper and the remaining Pecorino Romano on the side.

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes myfavouritepastime.com_1287The risotto tasted very nice. Happy Cooking!

Risotto with Spinach and Sun-dried Tomatoes


  • 6-8 cups vegetable broth (non vegetarians can use chicken or beef broth)
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • ½ cup finely chopped onions
  • 400g (2 cups) Arborio rice
  • ½ cup dry white wine
  • 100g (4 cups lightly packed) washed and shredded spinach or Swiss chard (I used Swiss chard)
  • 6 sundried tomatoes in oil drained and chopped
  • ½ cup freshly grated Pecorino Romano
  • Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper


  1. Heat the stock (broth) and keep it hot at a gentle simmer while the risotto is cooking.
  2. Heat 2 tablespoons olive oil and 1 tablespoon butter in a deep saucepan (cooking pot) and sauté onions for 5 minutes or until translucent.
  3. Add rice and stir for about 2 minutes until well coated with the oil.
  4. Stir in the wine and cook, stirring over medium-low heat until the wine has been absorbed.
  5. Add about 2 cups of the hot stock and cook stirring over medium-low heat until absorbed. Gradually add the remaining stock, half a cupful at a time, allowing the rice to fully absorb the liquid before adding more and stirring constantly. (After the addition of at least 5 cups of stock, you can taste and gauge for the degree of doneness of rice and the creaminess of risotto. Whenever you feel the rice is al dente and risotto is creamy enough you can stop cooking. If you want a softer, looser risotto, incorporate more stock).
  6. Once all the stock has been absorbed (20-25 minutes), the rice should be soft and creamy with a slight resistance to the bite. During the last 5 minutes of cooking, add the spinach and sun-dried tomatoes. Stir in the remaining butter and half the Pecorino Romano, until the risotto is creamy. Adjust seasoning. Let the rice rest for a few minutes and serve, topped with a grinding of pepper and the remaining Pecorino Romano on the side.


Author: Liz

I love everything food: eating, cooking, baking and travelling. I also love photography and nature.

61 thoughts

    1. […] SUNDAY – Lunch: Broccoli Macaroni & Cheese. Dinner: Risotto with Spinach & Sun-Dried Tomatoes. […]

      Thanks for the link up…have a lovely Sunday!

  1. One of my cooking goals is to learn how to make risotto. I love the addition of wine and sun dried tomatoes in this one. Thanks so much for sharing the recipe!

    1. Hi Shari,
      I made my first risotto about 4 months ago and am slowly getting hooked. I have been trying all sorts of combinations. This one tasted great!

  2. This is the time of year for risotto and you’ve treated us to a good one, Liz. Love the addition of shard and I use them frequently and sun-dried tomatoes. In fact, I use quite a few of the tomatoes every winter. It’s almost impossible to find a good tomato during the off-season. Sun-dried, though not the same, are a good alternative in salads.
    We’ve got another snowstorm heading our way tonight. I hope it misses your guys. No need for everyone on both sides of the border to be miserable. 🙂

    1. Hi John,
      The storm landed here, fair and square. Omg that was tonnes of heavy and lumpy snow. It was one of those days you wished you had a snow blower. Things are back to normal now. Nice sunny weather and mucky roads because some of that snow will be melting today. I love sun-dried tomatoes. It was probably invented by Italians. Thank God someone came up with such a brilliant idea. I wish you a pleasant weekend, John. Thank you for taking time and attention here. My best wishes to Max.

  3. Good to hear that the weather there has improved! Spinach and risotto go well together, in my opinion! Good advice in not omitting the wine. It’s the ingredient that gives the dish that special taste. 🙂

    1. Hi there,
      Oh yes the weather is like a yoyo but today is nice and pleasant too. I love food with wine….makes a huge difference. I drink all my wine in food. Have a pleasant day!

    1. Hi Sadia,
      I tried risotto a few months ago and now I’m totally hooked. Please try it when you can. Have a great weekend!

  4. I’ve been adding spinach to everything! Love throwing it in the last few minutes so it’s just cooked and not too wilted. Hadn’t thought about putting it in risotto. Brilliant!

    1. Hi Lignum,
      When I see your Gravatar I involuntarily smile…that risotto was a winner and I added lots of fresh grated parmesan. I love the flavour, too!

  5. Another delicious looking risotto with two favorite ingredients spinach (that’s what I will use instead of Swiss chard) and sun-dried tomatoes. And creamy – for sure 🙂 Have a good week; finally getting into the 40’s but more snow on Wed???

    1. Hi Aunt Juju,
      I don’t want to hope for anything, The weather is like a yoyo. We had a snow storm today…shovelling was the order of the day. Oh yes today is Wed and there was plenty of snow, Enjoy the risotto!

  6. Looks great. I love sun dried tomatoes too! Great flavor combination. And the wine, definite must. Especially the sips while stirring, I mean, what else is there to do while standing and stirring?!

    1. Hi Mama D!
      Ha ha you’ve made my evening! Next time I shall sip and sip and sip while standing and stirring. What a great idea!!! I might not even know when to stop ladling the broth…ending up with an extra mushy risotto. We’ve just come back from the Mall and had dinner, now it’s movie time. It’s March break so no worries about waking up early! Enjoy the new week!

    1. Hi Miss Winnie,
      How’z London? I have really missed seeing and chatting with you! You must have taken one long helluva break. Welcome back and Belated New Year Greetings!

      1. Hey Liz!
        London’s been cold and gloomy. Hope you’ve seen better weather over there?
        I embarrassingly lost my password, and the password to the email account I signed up using. Which is a bit embarrassing! 🙂
        Happy belated new year too – and it’s March already!! Where has the time gone?

        1. Canada is cold too. but we have some sunshine today. This has been one of the coldest winters we’ve had in years! I assume you sorted out the password/e-mail problem? Welcome back. I’m so glad to see you! March is here but cold…hope things improve soon! Take care!

    1. […] Friday – Risotto with Chard & Sun-dried Tomatoes […]
      Thanks for including the risotto in your meal plan. Hope you enjoy eating it. Best wishes!

    1. I’m good Sonal. I’ve just been drooling over the quick hash browns. I’ve just woken up and that would have been great for breakfast! Enjoy Sunday.

  7. This looks lovely–I love risotto but rarely make it because all the stirring seems like a drag. But I make other foods that take a real time commitment, so why not risotto? You’ve inspired me!

    1. Ha ha I’m still wondering why we have to stir it. Sometimes I just secretly imagine I should flood it with water and let it simmer on its own. I’m starting to enjoy the stirring I must say. Have a lovely Sunday!

  8. Liz, it looks so yummy!
    It reminds me of the “Nasi Uduk Melati”, which is a rice dish cooked with coconut milk and spinach. 😀

    1. Oh please give me the recipe for “Nasi Uduk Melati” I would love to try it. Coconut and spinach and rice sounds great!
      Have a lovely week, Hari.

  9. Here in Arizona we are not troubled with this changing of the time. We just have to remember to relate to other parts of the country differently. We are now three hours from EDT. We are on MST year round.

    1. Lucky you to be on MST throughout. I do love the long daylight so I don’t mind toggling. The photos of the rocks are great. I wished I could climb them! I have to go to bed soon after all am losing an hour! Have a good night!

  10. I finally did your coconut curry – it was wonderful. Now must work on risotto. Never thought to put sun-dried tomatoes in it, but I put them in many other things, so why not risotto? ;->

    Virtual hugs,


    1. Hi Judie,
      Glad to know you made and liked the coconut curry. What a relief…I love sun-dried tomatoes. I add them in everything…they are so nice and tasty. The clock goes forward tonight. How annoying tonight but how delightful tomorrow. More daylight…Love it. Goodnight and thanks for everything.
      Virtual Hugs to you too…

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